Friday, February 22, 2013


It's been some time since I last wrote on this blog.

Since the new year I've been rather overwhelmed by.... lethargy.

Then came the Chinese New Year holidays and pigging out sessions. It made me lazier and less motivated to exercise or do anything productive in general.

Job-wise, still the same old. Hoping for more. Soon.

Every time I watch a good video or read about something interesting, I'd get this sudden urge to blog about it. Then laziness would get to me. It's that bad.

Well, I've been re-motivated to start again. By the hubby. :)

He's been writing so often. It kinda reminded me of how it used to be for me when I was blogging on a daily basis.

Even though I am still writing mundane stuff like this now, well, who cares? It's therapeutic.

I may start to write on more diverse topics. Perhaps even about my skincare routine and whatsnot. Not like I have readers, but my blogs have always been about archiving my life for my future self. Not for an audience... I guess?

It's like me talking to myself but with a small chance of a stranger walking by. Hah...

Ok, this... is a new beginning once again! Let's go!

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