Tuesday, June 4, 2013

What an end to our typical Monday night.

Today's story began last Friday.

An insect crawled on my arm in the office. I turned to look, thinking it's a red ant, I quickly flicked it off before it could bite me. Instead of dropping to the ground, it started to "hover" in the air and was just moving down slowly. There was a web.

Intrigued, I quickly took a piece of tissue and carried it onto the table. I counted its legs. I observed it. And I trapped it in a jar. Then, I googled about it and found out it was not an ant. It was a jumping spider that has evolved to disguise itself as a weaver ant.

I took it home and decided to keep it.  A day later, he saw "mao mao" the spider, on the wall in the living room. I caught it in a separate container.

Fast forward... in the end I put both spiders together to see who would emerge as the ultimate survivor/hunter. Mao mao won this morning... after a long night of hide and seek, and catching. 

So tonight, while I was searching for mao mao's dinner, I saw a small cockroach on the wall next to our bed. That insect is my biggest nemesis. I tried to whack it, but failed miserably. It ran under our bed. The horror!

We decided to lift our mattress to check and to spray insecticide to gas it out.

In the end, we discovered a piece of the structure of our bed frame had dropped. We decided to put off finding the roach and to fix the bed frame instead.

He lifted the mattress and I held it up while he did the dirty work of semi-climbing into the bed frame that's been accumulating lots of dust.

While he was screwing the nails back onto the loose piece, the cockroach came out of its hiding and started to climb up the wall.

I told myself I cannot panic.  If I lose grip of the mattress he will get hurt really badly. So no matter where it climbs to, I've got to be calm.

In my mind I was telling it to stop climbing, but the more I repeated that, the further it climbed.

It reached the ceiling and started crawling to the part above me. I told myself to brace myself. Even if it drops, I cannot move until he's done and ready.

Thank God he finished it really soon and the cockroach went past the area above me. We lost track of it but decided it's enough for the night.

However, before he went out to shower, the cockroach stumbled out again. This time, it was on the floor! I passed him a few pieces of tissue and he bravely caught it...

My takeaway for this eventful night is that all the incidents that led up to this, were to help us to find out that the bed frame had become unsafe so we could fix it.

His takeaway is the realisation of how much he loves me.  And that became the realisation for me on how much he loves me and I love him as well.

And I thank God for this lesson for the both of us.  :)

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