Saturday, March 2, 2013

Candy... crushed.

Yep, this is about Candy Crush Saga. The game that the whole world is playing right now.

I had refused to jump onto the bandwagon when it first started to gain popularity. This is because, I get annoyed when something is too overhyped. Plus, all the invitations on FB made it even more annoying.

Then, I was extremely bored one day... and I tried it on FB. Refused to download the app because I was sure I wouldn't be hooked like everyone else.

Boy, was I so wrong.

I got hooked. 

I like the challenge it gives me.

It's also a race to see who can climb higher, faster.

I've been playing with it everyday since then. 

This is my level now:

Nothing compared to the levels a lot of my friends are at right now. :/

But it's getting a little annoying once again. Furthermore, the hubby isn't too pleased with all that playing time I've been spending on this game...

So I've decided to get to level 100 and stop.

Two more levels to go and I'll "retire" from this madness.

No more Candy Crush.

Time to crush the game and throw it in the "bin". :)

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